Hot hound summer is here and we need to make sure our furry friends are enjoying the picturesque days safely. Skin-related issues resulting from the sun are particularly bad in Australia due to the high UV index for most of the year. Pale or white dogs are most at risk, and those with pink skin on their bellies, noses and around the eyes or ear tips are much more commonly seen in the vets with issues like sun damage or skin cancers.
Some ways to prevent your pup from having issues with the harshness of the sun:
The old saying, if you’re cold, they’re cold let them in - same goes for the heat!
Make sure to keep them indoors for the hottest parts of the day especially during summer as the direct sun can be potentially dangerous. If they do have to be outside for a long period of the day, be sure to provide lots of shade for them. Walk later in the evening and earlier in the morning when the sun is not at its strongest. -
Everyone likes a nice tan but it is important to stop your pup from “sunbaking”
We see a huge amount of dogs, ironically mostly those with nice pink bellies, that have thickened and damaged skin on their bellies - lying in the sun. If preventing this is not possible, then sunscreens such as Filtabac are needed to protect your pooch. If you notice any new spots or areas of changed skin on your dog after a particularly sunny period, always get them checked out by your vet as they can be serious. -
Sunscreen in general – if your furry friend has a cute pink nose and is looking a little bare on their ear tips, they will likely really need daily sunscreen.
Just try not to let your dog eat the tubes of sunscreen as they can be expensive and do cause quite terrible diarrhoea! -
Doggles, don’t laugh
This protective eyewear for dogs with very pink or hairless skin around the eyes not only look very cool and stylish but really do a great job at protecting their skin.