Absolutely brilliant. I’ve tried many products for paw and nose cream for my white faced American staffy girl Vashti. This works beautifully on both, with great
results. Love this product.
This product is perfect for Vashti my amstaff beautiful girl.
I have tried so many products on both nose and paws, truly this is excellent for paws and nose. I am delighted with this product and will recommend it to my friends. The results are instant, Vashti has a pure white face, her nose has suffered even with sun filters, this product soothes and heals. Love it.
We absolutely love the omega oil for joint pain , and the power for anxiety , amazing , we have been recommending it for our puppy families
Nori really likes his food with the oil added on top for extra taste ;) he would finish his food and there would be no fuss! The look and feel of the product is nice and goes well next to his bowls. He always receive compliments from other pawrents on his shiny coat.